Chapter 6: We’ve Landed!

Folks - the 6 weeks since my last post has been a whirlwind! I started a new job. We went to California. We moved to the house. Midnight, Sunday, we arrived back at JFK from our Southern California trip (DM me for details on that awesome trip!). 9am, Monday (Memorial Day), we grabbed Maggie and drove out to the house from NYC. Our movers were just a few hours behind. Between May 31st and today we have been unraveling the spool of combining two houses. I am so very grateful for everything we have, but boy is it a task to move, unpack, and maintain a house that is still under construction!

For those who are keeping track (really, just me, Brian and our bank account), we are in Month 11, and we have about 3 months left of construction.

To keep things easy, I've dedicated most of this post to a 15-min video tour of the 1st and 2nd floors. Watch to the end, because I share not only the 1st and 2nd floors, but also the backyard work to come - AND, I share lots of details on the how's and why's of the design since work is nearing completion, as well as some purchasing and easy pro tips.

In the video I mention how much our backyard has changed. Here's a link to some before photos and here, here and here you can find a few of the posts I published on all the backyard work we completed before the addition.

We still have a lot to go - but I hope you enjoy how things are shaping up. In my next post we'll tour the new basement, which includes Brian's shop, a full bath, guest bedroom and is now fully joined to our existing basement via a cut through in the old foundation.

As always, let me know what you think!


Chapter 7: Who remembers the game 'I spy'?


Chapter 5: Breaking Through