4th of July Rock Haul

As I've mentioned in previous posts, our landscaping vision is comprised of an 8-phase plan.

We are in the middle of Phase 3. (side note: we may never be done.)

Over the Fourth of July holiday, Brian and I headed to Goshen, MA to pick up a ton of rocks from the Goshen Stone quarry. There were two important aspects of this journey. First, this was the last major haul in our beloved truck. As a symbol of winding down major construction on the yard and house, we will be trading in the Tacoma for a less industrial ride in the Fall. Second, we managed to once again exceed the truck's weight capacity, hauling over a ton of Goshen stone in a single trip! As an unsolicited pitch for Toyota, the Taco, as we lovingly refer to it, handled like a dream, considering the springs were pretty much parallel with the ground.

What are we doing with all this additional rock, you ask? Silly question; you can never have enough rocks! We'll figure out a plan as we go along. We may build a path; we may add to the firepit surround. Rocks are a perfect, natural way to address erosion and provide pathways in the landscape. The best things about this type of rock are that it's local, and the stones have a beautiful sheen and coloring that matches well with the colors of our gardens in any season.


A Simple Cabinet


Weekends 3 and 4