Chapter 3: Bring. It. On.

It's been a while, right? I know, I know, I haven't posted in about two months. You know, I've actually had more than a couple people reach out this past couple months saying 'when's the next next blog post'. And that is thrilling. We've have had so much going on - with the house, with life - that it's taken me this long to collect my thoughts and get back at it. But, I'm pushing myself to keep the posts more frequent from here on out.

So, in my last post I promised a tour of our new 2nd floor. If that's what you're here for...scroll to the bottom :)

But if you want to hear more, I feel compelled to share the story of living amongst construction for anyone who has not experienced the thrill of being crowded out of your own home by plumbers, electricians and framers!

Allow me to go back a few steps.

Even in the planning phase of this project, my strategy has been to consider the addition construction as a bolt-on to our existing house. Having managed many phased construction projects in my career, I've learned a trick or two (my *real job* is as a real estate project management and design specialist, but more on that in a future post). What I've learned is that it's always best to completely segregate construction from occupied areas. Without full separation, any existing spaces inevitably require a redo at the end. In the MEGA Project, we've been able to keep the new construction fully outside our existing house, also allowing use of the home throughout construction. We have had to spend time in the city for some activities, but now we're back at the house full time and.....let me tell you: the construction has recently had to force its way in to get the job done. Even having done nearly this exact same effort when we completely rebuilt our house the first amongst this kind of full-on construction is NOT for the faint of heart.


The following images contain graphic displays of complete and utter chaos. For those with OCD tendencies like myself, viewer discretion is advised.

This is my 'office'. I am surrounded on all sides!!!! If you look closely, you can see the existing kitchen cabinets under my desk. My throne/desk chair was grabbed from an estate sale, and it's part of a pair that are both waiting for their final homes somewhere in the finished house. The upside? While we were away, the new windows were installed!

This is our bedroom. Cozy - right? The power outlets and overhead lighting have all been disconnected as panel work continues, and we now have a temporary door to the new addition that when opened lets in the frigid winter air,'s like camping! We're also sharing the space with two king-size mattresses that due to their size had to be delivered before we closed in the 2nd floor. The upside? Our pup, Maggie, is loving the obstacle course!

This is our kitchen - in nearly its cleanest state. Just 5 years ago this was our BRAND NEW kitchen. Ha! Imagine dust and insulation falling randomly throughout the day, while crews work on ductwork etc just the other side.....the upside? No point taking off our shoes!

Well, now that I've given you my diatribe on living amongst home construction, I'll share with you the best part.....progress on our 2nd floor, which is coming along quite nicely. Take a look!


Chapter 4: If We Squint We Can See the Light!


Chapter 2: Rising from the Ashes