Chapter 2: Rising from the Ashes

Since October, work has been steadily progressing! We are fortunate to have landed a great general contractor, and great crews. Mother Nature has thrown curves with several snow storms starting on Halloween, but we are in New England, so everyone has been well-prepared.

Foundation walls were poured by the end of October without much issue. 1st floor framing has been going up smoothly, and we've had 1 of 2 crane picks to drop in large structural elements. The roof is yet to be complete, but trusses arrive early in the New Year. 2nd floor framing should be closed in by the end of January.

The basement is a bit behind, as the consistently low temperatures have prevented pouring the basement slab. However, we are now 4 months in, with only about 8 more to go! If we squint hard enough, we can start to see the light at the end of this very long tunnel...

October: Formwork and Foundation Pour

November: Framing!

1st of 2 crane picks. Crews lifted a massive 3x LVL beam with 3x steel flitch plates into place. Beam holds the exterior wall of the 2nd floor. What a day for outside work! Our 3 framers brave wind, snow, sleet - they really seem to love it!

December: A Sneak Peek at the 1st Floor!


Chapter 3: Bring. It. On.


Chapter 1: The MEGA Project