Weekend 1 of PHASE THREE Landscaping Intiative!

(Only 5 more phases to go!)

My rough concept sketches. Although we've done plantings over the past two years, we are just now starting to get into the fun stuff. The last two years we've focused on erosion control. This year we will focus on the beginnings of our decorative planting beds. Selections will include native purple and blue hardy flowering varieties, and evergreens that will feed wildlife through the winter. We love lavender, catmint, hydrangeas, and bayberry.

Over the course of two days, Brian and I excavated about four tons of sod, to make way for three major areas of planting beds. Our primary goals for plantings near the fire pit are mosquito control and privacy. Next weekend: deliveries of composted topsoil and mulch, and completion of landscape fabric!


Weekend 2 - Planting has Begun!


Back in the saddle, again